Happy Shit
Watch Your Step
In these times one must know
The cats will always fight
Showing love and affection with no mercy
Attacking, purring
While life drifts by losing time
Getting distracted by the little things
Yet always finding in your path
That one reliable thing
Full of angst and joy
Violence and wooing
The ball of cats rolling on the floor
Piper Marau
Tweedle odd tweedle new,
Why do people do the dew??
To drink a can and pop a top,
Why the hell does red mean stop??
Of love and clothes and fashion fur,
Why do we still wear a blur??
And most of all...why do people care?
Is it the graham cracker crust,
Or the technicolor hair?
Piper Marau
Kandy Kloud is on my mind,
Brighter than any diamond mine,
With rainbow skies and happy smiles,
I know all visitors smile for miles and miles,
And when the sun begins to set,
The kandy kloud is lined with red,
And when the sun again does rise,
Inside that kandy kloud's a surprise,
Just open up and then you'll see,
The love that enchants the sea.
Piper Marau
Cutie cat
Flowers bloom in pink morning light,
So gentle blows the breeze,
Scatters petals through the fields,
A little kitten sneeze.
Piper Marau
Flowers bloom in pink morning light,
So gentle blows the breeze,
Scatters petals through the fields,
A little kitten sneeze.
Piper Marau
The Smile
One day I decided to smile,
It made someone very happy,
It went on for half a mile,
Then it turned into laughing,
When they walked away I felt a sudden joy in me,
All it took was the simple grin,
I didn't know how good it would be,
So I did it all over again.
Piper Marau
One day I decided to smile,
It made someone very happy,
It went on for half a mile,
Then it turned into laughing,
When they walked away I felt a sudden joy in me,
All it took was the simple grin,
I didn't know how good it would be,
So I did it all over again.
Piper Marau
Sleepy Food
Chocolate chips and rainbow stix dancing in my eyes,
With cherry cake and M&M's on a broom to fly,
My spice rack talks to me in the middle of the night,
And ice cream scoops doe si doe in my kitchen sink,
All of these is what I see when I'm in my dreams.
Piper Marau
Good Day Sunshine
Blue skies are cheery turned up
Blinking Sun never dies
Clouds go by in miles
Children look up with smiles
Grass blows happy in the wind
Growing steadily by the inch
Summer days just float by
Sneaking past till winter time.
Piper Marau
My Rhyming Ops
Out of the box
Stone set clocks
A big red fox!
Somebody knocks
I'm standing on rocks
Watching the clocks
The ticks the tocks
The flips the flops
hip hops
Hickory dickory docks
Oh wow
I rhymed
Big deal
Close out
Piper Marau
New Year's Day
Bright and glow
Purple snow
The flakes on my eyelashes
Sparkle in morning glow
Dewdrops settle from the trees
Shimmering rainbow in the leaves
Sprinkle moisture on the snow
As wind blows through the trees
Warmth is spread upon the land
As flowers open like a hand
And glitter like the leaves
Morning starts upon the land
A new day has dawned
And waking creatures yawned
Like the shadow of a hand
A whole new year has dawned
In this year new life is born
And now the past years deaths are mourned
As the new born baby yawned
A brand new year is born
Take this moment in to heart
Spread your love and with the start
Your losses are no longer mourned
As joy fills in your heart.
Piper Marau
An Hour
An hour is all that's left in my life to live
An hour to which people my time I shall give
An hour leaves me to do the things I want
An hour also leaves me the things I cannot
In that hour I would end pain and suffering
In that hour I would spend my time listening
With an hour left to live every breath would count
With an hour left to live I would waste no amount
If I had an hour left to live I would solve world hunger
If I had an hour left to live I would befriend every stranger
For that hour the world would be at peace
No longer surrounded by its never ending needs
You see, I would make that hour last
I'd make it all worth while
If I had just and hour left to live
I would make someone smile.
Piper Marau