MY pen will tattoo YOUR sword!!!


As many of you can see, the website looks much different.  Some pictures have been taken down while others were added.  There is an old poem of mine on the Tangents page titled, "His and Hers".  Someone asked to read it, I hope they find it.  There are new writings that I plan to post and replace older ones to freshen up the site even more.  There is a limited amount of space for me to post things, so I hope to have more time this summer to put together the collections I have been working on for a book to publish and sell.  I hope you all enjoy the transformation of the Kloud.  It is really good to be back here, and thank you to all my viewers and supporters.

As a special treat, I would like to present to you the book that is just the beginning of rebuilding the network for strong people, and for the abused to find help and peace.  Please take the time to read this book, and if you buy a hard copy the Writer, and I, ask that you donate it to a lending library where people in need seek help.  This book is available for both digital format and a paperback print.  90% of the book sales will go to charity.  To find "The Voice That Rose Above the Noise" by Anabel Aiken please visit 

For questions, comments, or requests please email me at


Song of the Moment:  Bones and Skin by Mirah

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